Monday, January 31, 2011

Summer in Dresden

This summer I will be spending a month in Dresden doing the practicum for the TEFL Certificate from Kent State University. To say that I am looking forward to it would be a serious understatement! The six credit hours are the last ones I need for my BA in English with a TEFL certificate. The trip is the culmination of nine years of part-time study at Kent--an experience that I would recommend to anyone.

Dresden combines the old with the new, and if you are interested I would suggest that you check out the following webpage

The TEFL program equips a graduate with a wonderful tool for employment overseas teaching English.
Check out the program webpage and you too could be spending a semester, or a summer, in Dresden.

Bon voyage!

Soccer Fanatics!

Our family are soccer fanatics. Barclays English Premier League football fanatics to be precise. Each week, wherever we are, the members of our family watch (or DVR) our team, Manchester United, and then discuss the merits of each player's game with each other. I don't know if it was in our blood from birth or what, but a week without a Manchester United game is not a good week.
The Manchester United colors are Red, Black, and White and so our sons painted the basement those colors, put up posters of the players, pinned up replica jerseys, to create a mecca to THE TEAM. We watch the games down there, wearing our Man. U. shirts, our Man. U. slippers, and with our Man. U. fanaticism!
Something must be working as the team is top of the league. I think our Manchester United slippers are the magic ingredient.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Who Said Ohio is Not a Vacation Destination?

One of the most beautiful sunsets that I have ever witnessed took place in Ohio. Yes, you heard me correctly, Ohio.
The islands in Lake Erie had always interested me, so we decided to take a trip to the least commercial one: Middle Bass Island. The weather was perfect, the Bed & Breakfast ideal, and the sunsets breathtaking.
Take a look. You probably think the photo was taken in the Caribbean, but it was not. Sitting on the verandah of our Bed and Breakfast, glass of wine in hand, we watched the sun sink below the horizon and tinge the sky with a spectrum of reds and oranges before disappearing from view.
So, don't write Ohio off as a vacation destination...........

It's Me!

So far, my life has been an exciting adventure. I was born in England, lived in South Africa for 14 years, then relocated to America. Following an initial year in Connecticut, our family meandered southward to Virginia and Georgia before settling in Ohio where we have been for the past 12 years.
The outdoors and I are good friends. There is nothing more energizing than a hike in the woods, a walk in the crunchy white snow, the sounds of a river, the noise of trees creaking in the wind. Yes, you guessed it, I am a nature lover!
Our family has always enjoyed sport: soccer, tennis, yoga, rugby,golf-you name it and someone in our family plays it. My personal favorites are yoga and tennis.
Music is one of my likes and my taste embraces most genres from classical to hip-hop.
My only dislike is passive inactivity, so it goes without saying that I am not an avid TV watcher. If I have a spare moment (especially in winter) I would rather spend it curled up with a book, under a cozy blanket, by the fire.
We like to be together as a family, but distance, jobs, and education impact the amount of times we see each other during the year. When we do get together, those are the best times.